A Letter to the Satyam who's 6 months into the Future

Dear Satyam, I hope this letter finds you in best of your health. Also, you will read this often, because I know that you have a habit of re-reading your blog posts :P. I know by now you might be well settled in Boston. Maybe you will be having a co-op in hand. And that's the main goal of every master's student. But, I need you to remember these few things, no matter where you are. Just like everyday, keep worshipping lord Hanuman. Everything is not a stroke of luck. One-two things might be coincidences. But, every single thing happening according to your will is surely something divine. So, just be humble and grounded. I know the chances are very bleak, but just in case you become arrogant of your position, just remember the cause of why you are in Boston in the first place.. Lord was, is and will always be with you. You just need to thank him for his blessings. I also know that it was not at all easy to come to an unknown country all alone. None of your friends who decided t...