A Letter to the Satyam who's 6 months into the Future

Dear Satyam,

I hope this letter finds you in best of your health. Also, you will read this often, because I know that you have a habit of re-reading your blog posts :P. 

I know by now you might be well settled in Boston. Maybe you will be having a co-op in hand. And that's the main goal of every master's student. But, I need you to remember these few things, no matter where you are.

Just like everyday, keep worshipping lord Hanuman. Everything is not a stroke of luck. One-two things might be coincidences. But, every single thing happening according to your will is surely something divine. So, just be humble and grounded. I know the chances are very bleak, but just in case you become arrogant of your position, just remember the cause of why you are in Boston in the first place.. Lord was, is and will always be with you. You just need to thank him for his blessings.

I also know that it was not at all easy to come to an unknown country all alone. None of your friends who decided to go to US for fall could accompany you. And yes, you might as well feel lonely at times. But remember that you must not feel so. You have big ambitions in your life. Don't limit it to earthly attachments.

And yes, you have to be that guy who can help your tribe. You have the resources. Use them to help your friends, family and beloved. Satyam, earning money is not a big deal. If you see money as something precious and set your mindset accordingly, you will never earn big amounts. You have to play games, take risks and leaps of faith. We both know that our lives are meant for something great. Well, not on the likes of Gandhi, Mandela or Bhagat Singh; but yes, we can influence 100-200 people, right? So, don't see things from monetary perspective. Believe in yourself and keep doing the hardwork. You will achieve things.

Success according to both of us isn't money or fame or marriage. We both share the same mentality (I do hope so). Self satisfaction must be the end goal of our deeds. You'll surely get whatever is in your mind. Just believe in Hanuman and keep working.

Also, never lose your 'desi' spirit and authenticity. Everyone (esp Indians) here are pretentious. You are not just a mote of dust in this storm. Stay authentic. Keep listening Kishore Kumar amongst Drakes and Lemars. You're one of a kind, right? Keep loving your people like you do in subtlest of ways. Everything will pay off. Everything will fall in place, Satyam.

What else? Keep loving Dadi and Mummy. They need your love the most. They're proud of you no matter what. You have to gift them the whole wide world brother. You're doing this for them.

That's it for now. Enjoy your co-op, man. But remember these things.

Yours truly,

Satyam. (who's 6 months younger than you)


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