Let Us Redefine Love


Hello Stalkers!

So here you are again, trying to have a sneak peek.

Lately, I have been involved in rigorous thinking about things (almost everything). Well, primarily because of existential crises and the quest to find the purpose of our lives, duh. Why am I even doing my Masters in a country which is thousands of miles from my own home; what will be the point of earning money, shall I look forward to marriage, and a constant dilemma of choosing between reading Bishop's Pattern Recognition and Tagore's Sadhana.

Coming to the point. So, I was feeling really 'unproductive' and felt I was wasting my life. And I was reading about rising COVID cases in India; while I was busy chilling at my apartment here in Boston. This is when I started to introspect upon my idea of love. As to, what it exactly is.

Because we all have been brainwashed with the idea that love is limited to our romantic partners; and the ones who are 'sInGle' can't experience that. And I was begging to differ in this notion because I myself have become a victim of similar thinking and (gladly) came out of it.

Credits to Rabindranath Tagore, Ramana Maharshi, and all the authors that I've been messing with. They cleared my brainfog and made me see the world as one full entity (vasudaiv kutumbakam). Which obviously removes the limitation of love being bound only to one romantic partner. That's when I realized that the world needs love, and there are people who will actually cherish that.

And ultimately, we should have a wider worldview which is not just limited to our near-dear ones (read selfishness). What do you think about it? Also, it also motivates me to work hard to help more people; which has tamed my existential angst. Believe me the smiles of these children are worth everything. When their eyes light up, I feel privileged to have the chance of helping them. It is all worth it.

I dont want to sound holier than thou, but just think about this. Love is meant to be universal, and you're confining it to just one person. Right?

Till the next time,

Yours truly


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