New Year. New Me?

 So, I'm writing after months. And we've stepped into a new year. Or I will rephrase it:

The increment in Gregorian calendar year, which is an abstract concept in my mind, which is marked by earth's completion of a circle around the Sun. Which again isn't a circle because sun itself revolves in milky way, and milky way revolves around the galactic cluster, which also revolves around some gigantic cosmic body and so on.

So, yeah. It's just an escapism of us mortal humans from our daily lives. But yeah. I'm keeping aside this critical side of me to ask one question - does new year necessarily has to be accompanied by a new version of yourselves? Personally, I don't want that. I mean yes, I'd work on a couple of qualities, but I won't change myself entirely. I mean, that's my individuality. And I should be proud of it, which I am. 

I ask this question to you. Do you want to change your entire persona in 2022? Ponder!

Also, life updates. Left Portland!! Moved back to Boston. Currently in Indore for few weeks. Having laid back winter break. Travelled to Niagara Falls in November, and then Goa in December. Now, I will have to gear up to fetch that coveted 1 Crore rupee packages. Well, in return I will have to work my ass of by learning intricate concept of statistics, probability, python programming, and some soft skills. Data Scientist isn't a smooth job they portray it to be.

Idk for some reason, there's a void in me right now. Which I'm sure would be filled before I head back to my karmabhoomi - Boston. I think it's burnout. But I'm even more motivated than before to go back to states and proudly show that Indian brains are far superior and we can run algorithms and some mathematical models to help you invest those millions of dollars, while you pay us meagre 100-150k. But again, no complaints. I am grateful for everything I have, and what future holds for us.

Went to Ranjit Hanuman yesterday with Mummy, and to Rokadiya Hanuman with Ajay the day before. Idk why but there's some unexplainable energy in the temple premises. It just explodes positivity and gratitude in me. No matter how much I love quantum mechanics and my strong belief in science, this is something that I can't explain or comprehend. As if some force is guiding me at my lowest and highest points. I don't want to write paragraphs about it. Or, I don't want to bore y'all.

Anyways. I am sure the year 2022 holds a lot of good things for me. And I pray the same for everyone. Sarve bhavantu sukhinah.

 Life's Good!



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