A Slice of Fiction and Reality

It was raining since Thursday evening. The dark blue sky, cold breeze, and sound of raindrops as if someone was constantly rubbing hands on your bedsheets. Satyam finished his office work. Oh, what a day it was. He was thanking god that atleast he got some forty minutes to cook his lunch that noon and feed himself. Until that point of time, those forty minutes were the highlights of his day.

The smell of chicken breast simmering on the hot oiled pan. Aroma of Thyme, Garlic Powder, Paprika, and some salt was reminding him of his mom's culinary skills. The golden brown color of chicken was exactly like the sunset that he saw more than 2 months ago at Charles Esplanade right infront of Massachussetts Institute of Technology. The sunrays striking that dome of MIT across Charles, he used to think, was itself a metaphor. That he had to cross a river of mediocrity from his side of Boston to touch that MIT's coveted Sloan Institute of Management in some 3-4 years. Suddenly, he came to reality and saw that his chicken has started burning. Which bought him out of his dreams - and he had to get back to the workdesk.

Now that the work was done by evening, Satyam wore his gloves, a black helmet, and got down of the apartment building. He sat down on his black shining Harley Davidson Street 750; that he bought lately. It was his dream bike since he used to live in an Indian small town. After taking the seat on his Harley, he made a beautiful sound on his motorcycle by full throttle. And on that rainy eve, he went on cruising. He crossed the empty streets of Brighton, Huntington Ave, Seaport, Storrow Drive, and then finally got along the beautiful I-93. The speed on his motorcycle, and a different sense of flexibility and freedom was something that got Satyam's adrenaline pumping like maniacs.

Two hours went by. Three. Then four. And when the clock struck 10:00, he took a halt at a gas station somewhere around the open fields of New Hampshire. He filled up his tank, and parked his bike to get some fresh air. As Satyam took his helmet off; he could feel a gushing wind caressing his hair, which he was thinking to trim since a month. A strand of hair was whipping to-and-fro on his forehead and adding even more beauty to an already blue and grey nightsky by coming infront of his left eye. Suddenly, the clouds started to shift and he could see a full-white moon. 

Holding his helmet with his left hand, he sat down on the Harley sideways and took a deep breath. The moon reminded Satyam of the nights he used to walk on the roof of his house back in India. He was a kid back then. These two years have completely transformed him into a tough man. But that moon still remains the same. It is one of the few things that connect him to his old days. Memories start flashing in his eyes. Memories of small cafes, memories of hugging his friends, memories of him wanting to make his father proud, all kinds of memories. Then the moon got covered by the clouds again. 

He turned his gaze upon the highway, and the hills behind it. It is still raining, and he could see a line of water droplets glowing red behind every car that was passing by. He took out his pack of cigarrettes, and placed on cig between the left side of his mouth. The "clunk" of lighter was followed by a deep inhale, and the smoke rose from his already wet face. There was a very slow sound of crumbling paper, which was made by the burning cigarette. Everything was calm, and the raindrops were touching Satyam's face, his cheeks, his eyebrows, his nose, the leather jacket, gloves, the silencer of his Harley; everything.

All of a sudden he hears a loud beeping sound. He tried and tried, but couldn't figure out its source. He gasped again, and found himself in his bed inside comforter. He looked around, and it was Alexa's alarm. It was still raining outside the window, a dark blue sky on a thursday evening. He checked his phone, and it was 7:45. He pushed himself out of his bed, he wore his gloves, a black helmet, and was preparing for a ride.. again?


This is some fiction mixed with reality.. Many many people have told me that I write really well. So, I tried my hands in this random stuff. :)


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