Tuesdays with Morrie and Gibberish Rants

 Writing this from my macbook. Those who don't know, the keyboard and touchpad stopped working a month ago and was using my old dell inspiron.. but somehow i thought of charging the mac before taking it to apple store, and boom it started working... saved a couple hundred dollars *sighs*.. i believe it was some software (driver) bug.

Anyway just 2 months left before i breathe in india. I'm excited. Also, been rigorously solving leetcode (DS, Algo and SQL). Bought premium membership for an year... Also, have to complete udacity nanodegree before it charges me for this month... aaaaarrrrghhhh... Gearing up for full time job interviews. Well, you see. I'm sure I'll get a job even if I don't prepare with strategy. But I have great expectations from myself.. (my parents are hopeless for me. they don't expect much from me ;__;).  Targetting Mckinsey, JP Morgan, or Bloomberg specifically. But will suffice with fortune 250... Well, Unum falls under the category. But just to prove it to myself I want to crack some interviews.

Also, currently reading Tuesdays with Morrie. And I definitely recommend it to everyone.. It's a book in which an old man (who knows he'll die in few weeks, gives life lessons to his student).. I love these kind of movies and books. So, if our taste matches, you must definitely try it... (also, typing from apple keyboard is super super therapeutic idk why)..... i can type gibberish and still feel good about myself..

Why do you guys even read my blog, I wonder. I don't write that good either. But, just to maintain my audience (and to jot down my mental perspectives over time honestly), I write..

Speaking of mentality, have become more mature during my stay in Portland. No regrets. To give you a scale, if I was 7/10 in terms of maturity in India, became 9/10 in Boston. And its now 12/10 in Portland.. 

Also, Modak called me yesterday and we discussed the state of toilets in 3AC trains in India for more than 2 hours... I sometimes think what kind of conversations I actually have with my best friends. Its either on too random topics, or super super dark nihilism. Both of them, by the way take me to a rabbithole of how absurd the world is..

You must read about the history of 'lawns' and you'll get the idea.. Well, it was a symbol of richness because maintaining green grass took hours of human labor and fertilizers and regular maintenance and whatnot. That's why you can't walk on the lawns of Oxford/Cambridge unless you're a nobel prize winner... But then with the advancements in technology (lawnmovers and turf), even a common man could afford lawns and it gradually became a necessity instead of luxury (in developed world atleast).. Seee, how absurd it is. Trivial thing like laws was a symbol of power, and now a common thing.. Such an absurd species we humans are..

Ending this here, I'm slipping into absurdism again..

Life's good. Grateful.



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