Admit from Boston !

Last week, Northeastern University accepted me as their incoming Masters student. My major will be Data Analytics Engineering.
This was my dream university after UIUC. However, I am satisfied with this too (maybe I'll finalize it).

I mean, I'm sure I'll end up with a grand internship by the end of two years of my MS. What could be more fun?! I'll have the perfect reason to start my career and company in India. I am extremely grateful to the almighty for this.

Today while sitting by the window, I saw the grand children of aunty living on rent. They were extremely happy even though they're financially weaker than an average Indian family. I thought a lot on happiness this time and here's what I ended up with:

Happiness, according to me, is a choice. You can be happy after having two chapatis and can be sad even after dining at a five star hotel. It is a mindset. This rat race is unnecessary for being happy and satisfied. Still, everyone around me is indulged in this... so am I.. But what for? 

I have to earn good, just to be validated by others as a successful person. You will also strive for success throughout your life, but no one will ever achieve it. Because success is not defined anywhere. Every person has its own definition. For a poor person, yes you are successful if you earn 10,000 per month. But for Bill Gates, 10k rupees per month is a joke. It is very much similar to a dog chasing his own tale. He'd never be able to lick it and end up running in circles.

Anyways, just to make my future family's, I'll work my ass off  in coming 4-5 years. Though I don't favor capitalism very much, social validation got me here!
I know that after pursuing MS from Boston and landing up a fat job, many girls would find 'true love' in me, relatives will start looking at me as role model and other bullshit stuff. But is it worth it? I dont know. I'm no one to comment on society. But I'm okay with whatever comes (not really... i really want to live a surreal life before i die)... i believe mediocrity is not something to be chased... what's the point of existing if you live like 7 billion others... be an outlier... confuse the regression algorithm of life a little bit xD

I've been drifting away from this materialistic world and pleasures associated with it. Every time I think about universe and origins, I end up with bizarre conclusions... Is everything an illusion? Love, parents, money, this world, you yourself, me myself?? Is all of this even real?? I question this a lot...hahahaha i end up thinking this from updating this blog about my admit... lmao!!

Here's my admit letter.. I'm proud of myself lol..


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