My नजरिया on Grief

Grief is something that fascinates me every now and then. According to me, this is the strongest of all emotions.
Although it seems hard to bear, it isn't. The thing is, humans experience grief and sadness after some loss or pain, which makes them associate grief with negativity.

But if we introspect, grief is same as happiness. And in my opinion, even better than it. When a person is happy, he becomes overconfident and careless. He neglects the reality and lives in a cloud.

Whereas, grief makes a person stay grounded. It makes the situation clear and puts the truth in front of eyes. It is a good emotion, just not supported by masses.

If we think rationally, humans are driven by emotions. They are compelled to buy certain things or make moves in emotional flow. You won't buy someone gifts while being in a neutral mood. While buying things, we are happy. We don't burst crackers on Diwali out of the blue.. there's happiness associated with it.

You see, we're brainwashed by these capitalists to associate happiness with products.. Otherwise, its just an emotion which lasts for minutes. Even if you win a billion dollar lottery, your happiness high will last for few hours and it will gradually fade.. Similarly, if you go through a breakup, this sadness lasts for few days and it fades.

The thing which needs to be done, in such a situation is introspection, which most of us don't.. We should live by AMOR FATI (love your fate)... instead of chasing happiness or running away from grief, we should choose SATISFACTION.

Satisfaction is long lasting... Lovers are satisfied after grieving for their beloved. A true lover never craves for someone else after the period of grief... Similarly after winning a huge jackpot, you'll experience satisfaction... you won't run after other things.... you see, satisfaction is the ultimate destination of every emotion.!

Isn't it true? You just need to develop a new perspective or 'nazariya' as we say.. Think my friend, think...!!


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