Midnight Rants

I am very much fascinated by this concept of 'Ubermensch' by Nietzsche.
Every human must try to live a life meant to meet our higher intelligence. That's what I think.

There are several things that Ubermensch should have like: defying herd mentality, having self defined morals and solitude.

I'm trying to follow higher path. But this made me think about a lot of things. Like, I dont want to demean anybody, but 95% of men in our society, no matter where they're sitting professionally ultimately have the goal of chasing a girl. (I agree its biologically justifiable)... But why is it so? Life is much more than this.

I believe that okay, go after them, but atleast have some righteous moral grounds! I had a conflict with a female I know.. I questioned the authority of one guy and I was accused of being manipulative.. Every guy knows the way one tries to woo somebody. This is universal truth... And its okay for him to do whatever he want... But this made me question that if one follows his own moral grounds then it is a state of conflict between self defined morals and societal beliefs...

According to my ethics - having HIGH ambitions, self respect, being egoistic, expressing anger (all ranges of emotions... happiness, love, sadness everything) is okay... But not for society. Everyone wants sugarcoated part.. no one wants to see downside of a person (if someone shows anger then he's insane.. if someone's proud of himself then he's arrogant... i mean wtf is this??)...
I also believe that it should be made compulsory for a man to develop intellectual mind.. Reading books, being self introspective automatically eradicates the need of lower pleasures like sex, love, hunger, chilling out with friends etc..

People should think about tougher questions like 'purpose of life', 'who am i', 'existence' etc.. most of us dont do it and indulge in short term pleasures.. and ultimately die after living a life of no use....

Idk this is getting heavy and i'm deviating out of topic... should stop here :)


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