Seeking Silence and More !

A lot has happened in the last month. Personal investments, emotional growth, my try at philanthropy, and intellectual growth. I'll tell you everything here.

First and the foremost, I helped an old man (maybe in mid 60s) walk by helping him with his prosthethic leg. He is an underprivileged man living in Bihar; and after watching the video of him walking gave me utmost satisfaction. That yes, whatever work I'm doing is going to make a huge impact in coming years.

Moreover, coming to emotional growth - I learned to be comfortable with myself. Which is the title of this post. There are so many amazing realizations that I stumble upon, only and only when I'm away from everything. I try not to speak a single word for days at stretch (well unless it's an office meeting). This helps me sit with my thoughts and ponder upon them. The best thing that I've learned lately.

Coming to personal investments, started building my portfolio. Invested pretty heavy amount in stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrency. And the returns are very good, so far (Well, its been only a month but still I've gained significant returns despite crypto percentage is not super risky).

Aaaannndddd my nerd ass dived more into quantum mechanics. Understood the ins and outs of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and about the wave nature of particlles - which is VERY VERY VERY absurd to read at the first place, let alone believing it. And I am awestruck after knowing how the universe actually works. That is the reason why I am even more inclined towards Sanatan philosophy more (it has uncanny resemblance to what quantum mechanics is discovering today)... I dont want to dive into your arguments of connecting metaphysics and BS because that is worthless.

Also also also also - I'm going to check off the first thing from my bucket list - SKYDIVING this saturday. Just 155 hours. I wrote about it last year - here.

Looking forward to a lot of things.. But this week's office work is going to be SUPER SUPER SUPER hectic. So, will be a bit busy in coding, databases, presentations, analysis, and meetings..!

Life's good.

~ S


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