
Showing posts from July, 2020

5 Things I want to do before turning 25!

Since yesterday night, I am just wondering about the purpose of life. In the long run, everything will end and every single human will die. But that doesn't mean we should live our life in vain. Also, I haven't figured out the actual purpose of our existence.. But I believe being satisfied with our lives is one of the virtues that everyone should follow.. And yes, it's not at all related to being rich. Money helps, but only to a little extent. In addition, I was reading about the 'luxury trap' which homosapiens entered about 10,000 years ago. You got to read about it. Actually it was a delusion when hunters & gatherers started agriculture which made our lives more stressful.  First they cultivated wheat and settled in one region. So, it resulted in population burst because now women didn't need to do 'extra' physical work and they had more time for sex and pregnancy. More population meant that men had to work even harder to feed babies. This co

Intelligence: A Road Towards Extinction?

It is evident that homosapiens have gained their dominance on the planet by developing cognition. Evolution has made certain species way stronger than humans. But the ability of humans to hunt in a groups, live together in clusters, and super high control over body parts such as fingers has given them an upper edge. However, another thing to notice is that intelligence and cognition is not necessary for survival. If it was, then every organism on earth would've focused a lot on neurons rather than muscular cells. We would've come across a dog playing chess against Gary Kasparov.. The oldest bacteria and multicellular species don't have super high cognitive abilities. In fact, I was reading that homosapiens had very close relatives homo erectus and Neanderthals. But according to some theories sapiens played a major role in removing Neanderthals from the face of the earth.. which indicates that we're very intolerant.. and it is with the help of our cognitive ability

How To Feel Good 101

Recently I was just studying about why do we feel sadness and longing for a person. You might've experienced it in the form of heartbreaks, failures, rejection, etc. So here's my guide on how I survive through sadness. See, we are hormone junkies. We love oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine. These are some hormones which are secreted while we're in love, take drugs, achieve goals etc. So when you go through a breakup/lose a dream etc. these hormones aren't secreted by the brain. And hence, it starts panicking. We look for escapism. We go towards alcohol, we crave for drugs, do anything for achieving your dream, beg in front of ex-lovers to take us back etc. Our brain tricks us into doing things which we would never do in normal situations. That's why we end up taking bad decisions and feel sad. But there's a way to deal with sadness. We can replace our routine activities with tasks which release these hormones in our brain. For instance, our brai

What Medicaps Gifted Me?

You most likely came from my instagram bio, isn't it? I don't know if I'll ever share this blog openly but anyway. Since you are here, take the reward :P Here's me connecting the dots with 5 of my best friends and how I matured with them. (Modak, Bhonsle, HRX, Fufa, and Chiru). Modak at 11-12pm: "Kal college chalega kya?" Me (who was in no mood): "Bhonsle aur HRX aayenge?" Modak: "Haan shayad. Bol toh rahe hai wo." Me: "Chal. Indore wire pe aa jaunga mai, teri gaadi se chal chalenge." Character 1 And that's how Modak and I used to make plans for college in 3rd and 4th year. Whether it was scorching heat of April, rainy August, or even chilly December... we both used to go on his Jupiter. Man, those were one of the best moments of college for me. On the way to college, we used to discuss everything. From football matches to meaning of existence and advait vedanta. When everyone in college used to look forward to p

Unexpected Events and My Fav Movie (as of now)

So, everything was going well and life took a sudden turn. US Consulates aren't reopening due to covid-19. That means I'd have to postpone my MS for a few months... good for me, i got some free time :P And some very drastic changes happened this week. I'm shocked and have been indulged in rigorous introspection. Evaluating my choices and stuff like that. I believe everything will be fine in the coming future. Everything happens for a reason so this phase is making me aware of myself. In the last post I wrote that I'll be in Bangalore in July for internship and Boston in September. BUT LIFE IS UNEXPECTED DUDE!! We need to have backup plans for everything. Everything! I used to watch many upbeat movies like Pursuit of Happiness / Hangover etc. No doubt they're excellent. But you need to watch Fight Club. This movie is a gem. You might find it depressing, but that's the reality. I have watched it 3-4 years ago, but now I understand its depth. "We buy