Intelligence: A Road Towards Extinction?
It is evident that homosapiens have gained their dominance on the planet by developing cognition. Evolution has made certain species way stronger than humans. But the ability of humans to hunt in a groups, live together in clusters, and super high control over body parts such as fingers has given them an upper edge.
However, another thing to notice is that intelligence and cognition is not necessary for survival. If it was, then every organism on earth would've focused a lot on neurons rather than muscular cells. We would've come across a dog playing chess against Gary Kasparov.. The oldest bacteria and multicellular species don't have super high cognitive abilities.
In fact, I was reading that homosapiens had very close relatives homo erectus and Neanderthals. But according to some theories sapiens played a major role in removing Neanderthals from the face of the earth.. which indicates that we're very intolerant.. and it is with the help of our cognitive ability that we were able to do so.
Neanderthals were just like homosapiens - but physically superior. So, 1-1 fight would've been in favor of them.. but the ability to fight in groups, agriculture and foraging might have played an important role in massacres and famines in areas populated by Neanderthals. In a way, even though homosapiens survived, but our close cousins Neanderthals became extinct.
Not only this, with our intelligence, we've developed AI. Which does almost everything for us. We don't have to use our muscles and brain to a large extent (which are a result of more than million years of evolution). They ain't vestigial organs. But, our intelligence has produced a tech which is making us comfortable in our skins.
We can't handle mental/physical pressure. We are becoming obese.. unlike our ancestors, we can't kill a cockroach.. let alone a Mammoth.. We (average human) can't run for a few kilometeres in the sun.. we're heading towards an evolutionary degradation.. If technology goes corrupt in a few hundred or thousand years, we won't be able to handle the climatic changes because our body would've evolved in a manner where our neurons would've reduced and some organs would've become vestigial..
Let alone a million years, there are pretty high chances that humans will go extinct within 2000 years from now.. Which leads to the question whether or not intelligence and cognition supports Darwinian theory of 'survival of the fittest'..?? In my honest opinion, I don't think so..
Intelligence is necessary only to a level where we don't disturb the food chain and ecololgical system.. Humans have become the predators from being preys within a short span of 10,000 years. Other species on the top of food chain such as lions, tigers, bears have gained their position by evolving over millions of years.. Cognition was just a blind shot, which put us on the top of food chain... but not for a long time..! We might go extinct because of our intelligence.!
Well, i think not from meteors... but via nukes or AI (by products of our intelligence)..!!
Ignorance is Bliss isn't just a philosophical or spiritual saying. But it's important if we want to exist in this beautiful universe.
So, next time when you think of humans as superior, just think that it's not worth it.
Evolution is the real king, we're just pawns.. maybe the universe wants to explore itself.. and humans are a stepping stone to a more advanced thing... maybe AI robots which could unveil things about quantum physics and other things in an efficient manner. Ummm.... that's a matter of another post.. :)
Till the next time.
However, another thing to notice is that intelligence and cognition is not necessary for survival. If it was, then every organism on earth would've focused a lot on neurons rather than muscular cells. We would've come across a dog playing chess against Gary Kasparov.. The oldest bacteria and multicellular species don't have super high cognitive abilities.
In fact, I was reading that homosapiens had very close relatives homo erectus and Neanderthals. But according to some theories sapiens played a major role in removing Neanderthals from the face of the earth.. which indicates that we're very intolerant.. and it is with the help of our cognitive ability that we were able to do so.
Neanderthals were just like homosapiens - but physically superior. So, 1-1 fight would've been in favor of them.. but the ability to fight in groups, agriculture and foraging might have played an important role in massacres and famines in areas populated by Neanderthals. In a way, even though homosapiens survived, but our close cousins Neanderthals became extinct.
Not only this, with our intelligence, we've developed AI. Which does almost everything for us. We don't have to use our muscles and brain to a large extent (which are a result of more than million years of evolution). They ain't vestigial organs. But, our intelligence has produced a tech which is making us comfortable in our skins.
We can't handle mental/physical pressure. We are becoming obese.. unlike our ancestors, we can't kill a cockroach.. let alone a Mammoth.. We (average human) can't run for a few kilometeres in the sun.. we're heading towards an evolutionary degradation.. If technology goes corrupt in a few hundred or thousand years, we won't be able to handle the climatic changes because our body would've evolved in a manner where our neurons would've reduced and some organs would've become vestigial..
Let alone a million years, there are pretty high chances that humans will go extinct within 2000 years from now.. Which leads to the question whether or not intelligence and cognition supports Darwinian theory of 'survival of the fittest'..?? In my honest opinion, I don't think so..
Intelligence is necessary only to a level where we don't disturb the food chain and ecololgical system.. Humans have become the predators from being preys within a short span of 10,000 years. Other species on the top of food chain such as lions, tigers, bears have gained their position by evolving over millions of years.. Cognition was just a blind shot, which put us on the top of food chain... but not for a long time..! We might go extinct because of our intelligence.!
Well, i think not from meteors... but via nukes or AI (by products of our intelligence)..!!
Ignorance is Bliss isn't just a philosophical or spiritual saying. But it's important if we want to exist in this beautiful universe.
So, next time when you think of humans as superior, just think that it's not worth it.
Evolution is the real king, we're just pawns.. maybe the universe wants to explore itself.. and humans are a stepping stone to a more advanced thing... maybe AI robots which could unveil things about quantum physics and other things in an efficient manner. Ummm.... that's a matter of another post.. :)
Till the next time.
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