My Scrutiny of Democritus' Quote

I was surfing instagram, where I stumbled upon this quote by Democritus.

At first, I agreed to this quote. But then I started to scrutinize this. Also, before reading further, read this quote and then form your own opinion... Not at a superficial level, but think about what he said for a couple of minutes. And only then, I want you to read further.

Okay, let's go!

In my opinion he's implying that everything which has physical form, is universally objective. Means, it is a truth, which everyone can acknowledge. However, perception is an opinion which is subjective.

For example: If you and I were standing infront of two pots. One of sunflower and other of red-rose, we might have different choices. I personally love sunflowers, but you might love roses. 

Here, we both are acknowledging that 2 flowers are in existence - which is the objective truth. But - which flower is more beautiful is completely subjective, and non-binary. I mean you might choose rose over sunflower because their are only 2 pots. If we place a Daffodil; then the person who chose rose at the first place will outrightly reject it, if he was a lover of daffodil... The choice/opinion was non-binary at the first place. But given the situation, it changes.

This was my literal perception of this quote. What was yours?

Now, let me give you another deeper perspective. I thought the what-if. Let's imagine a child who is born without senses. No smell. No touch. No eyesight. No hearing. No taste. Nothing.

For us, his existence is a truth. But for him, does he knows that he is existing? I believe that our thoughts are the results of inputs given by our senses. Else, we would not be able to think anything and form opinions.!? I might be wrong here. Do correct me, if you've another perspective.

But again, as Sartre says 'existence precedes essence'. I think it is holding true in this case. Being in a thoughtless state (like the child with no senses), means even though he's existing for us, he himself might be unaware that he exists!! Maybe that's the purpose of meditation?!

So, this child, being in a thoughtless state won't find the world absurd/logical or go in the pursuit of meaning/meaninglessness at the first place itself. He has no essence. His subjective truth is that he's non-existent. But for us, he's existing. SEE, HOW PECULIAR THIS LIFE IS!! Here, I'm drifting towards a conclusion that Sartre's quote is subjective!?

So, is the child without senses is a fortunate one, because he's free from all this absurdity and search of meaning? He's even free from the sufferings. Isn't it.

Again going back to the quote

We know that atoms are universal truth because we're existing in the first place. If you and me were non-existent (or kid without senses), then even though the atoms might exist for others, there would've been no concept of life/world? So, reality itself is subjective! For our case, if you're reading this (you're existing and have senses) - yes nothing actually exists except atoms and space. Rest is opinion.

See, how deep this quote actually is.! There are thousands of others.. and that's why I read Aristotle, Socrates, Aurelius, Albert Camus, Sartre, Diogenus, Nietzsche, Upnishads, Purans, Veds, etc.

Now, let's go back to living our absurd lives. Let's browse instagram and live a superficial life and escape the important questions and eventually die without exploring truth. Ooooooof, that was dark xD

Till the next time.


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