Toxic Positivity and DNA

Welcome to another post of my secret blog :) At this point of time, I'm still not thinking of promoting this. So, if you're reading this in August'20 - thanks to you for stalking my instagram lol.

I bet you have an instagram account. You might as well be a user of youtube. If you've nodded to even one of the questions, you are an apt reader for this post. I've no beef against the influencers, but I totally oppose their portrayal of life, success and happiness.


From Jay Shetty to Dan Lok. They spread toxic positivity, which isn't good for us. In my opinion, life is a spectrum of emotions. Everybody has to go through ups and downs. But these people with millions of followers have completely eradicated the notion of sadness, grief, and failures from their social-media presence.

If you're not hustling 24x7, you're a failure. If you're being sad after losing money/breakup/fights - they happen to frown upon it.They simply feed on our insecurities. And made us signing-up for their 'positivity' or 'hustle' programs. Heck, we fools make their books as bestsellers!

Sadness has always been an integral part of our lives. Even if we look at the grassroots of evolution, our DNA has been programmed to feel happiness, as well as sadness. 

For example, if a monkey fails to gather food for himself, he feels sad. Which in turn motivates him for the next day! Just imagine if the monkey stays in an eternal state of happiness - even if he doesn't gets food or his tribe is butchered by lions. He'll meet the same fate, thus vanishing from the face of earth. DNA/RNA is destined to replicate itself - and every emotion has its own value when it comes to the biological purpose.

We just can't look down upon sadness/negativity/heartache/stress. No, I'm not saying to stay sad for days at a stretch. But, at least acknowledge your emotions. The more we fight sadness/negativity, more it will take over our mind. You'll get a temporary high, but have to deal with it at some point of time. 

These influencers on instagram/facebook/youtube know this and are churning money out of us! It's upto us whether we want to fall in their trap or experience the full spectrum of human emotions. Remember, every emotion is a result of millions of years of evolution. Embrace it. Be it positivity or negativity. 

Well, I was about to write on Epictectus, Seneca, and Aurelius. But I decided to read more about them and come with even more concise thoughts. I believe, the next blog will target the 3 thinkers.

Till the next time.

Yours Truly


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