A day in my life...

Hey stalkers!

It's 5:43 PM and I'm listening to some bhajans on youtube. Someone came to see our house, since we have to sublease it from January. But, this is not how a typical day in my life looks like. I'll write about it (my day in Portland) in second person.

You get up at 5:45-ish in the morning, turn off the alarm which was about to ring at 6am. And then instinctively you call at home. Talk to Mummy and Dadi for half an hour. Boom ! It's 6:30. Now, you rush to the kitchen, to prepare breakfast. Mostly it's cereals and milk. Sometimes it's omelette, and rarely some leftovers from the last night which, you ordered via Uber eats.

Then you wash your face, get ready for the office and catch the 7:20 bus to Portland downtown. From downtown, you catch another bus to Unum I/B or Jetport. There you go. You're at office around 8:20-8:30 in the morning. Now, you start checking your emails, teams messages and set yourself for the meetings which are generally around 9 or 9:30. You do your work, and its 12 PM in no time. (in initial months, I used to feel the time passing by, but now its like the time vanishes). 

Around 12:20 I go to pickup my lunch that I ordered online via company's portal. Then I gulp it down and get back to work. Generally I finish my work around 3pm, after which passing rest 1.5 hour is a challenge. I have to be in office, just in case Ryan wants to run some SQL reports. These days, I set up meetings with other seniors to network, and to fill up my time.

Then it's 4:45. Time for me to leave office. These days the sun sets around 4pm. By 4:30 it feels like midnight in India. Coming to the point. I catch the buses, while reading books. Reach home around 6. Call Ashish bhai, which goes around 1 hour. 

Then it's 7. I go to balcony, to gaze starts for some time. This is my favorite part of the day. I think about all the things going on in my life. I introspect. The sky is super super super super clear in Portland. As compared to Boston (leave Indore, because india literally has a lot of light and air pollution). I see constellations, try to figure them out. I can easily distinguish casseiopia, ursa major, ursa minor, and orion.. I think about all the money coming in the account, at the cost of staying away from home. But, this lifestyle is also making me more mature and independent. 

I've no regrets. Just that sometimes I feel like to hug someone, but I still have to find the one. There are lots of girls, whom I can date, but I don't want to date out of desperation. So, I console myself and think about higher goals and things like free-will, universe, stars, pupose of life etc..

I come inside. Try to cook food. And listen to podcasts, bhajans, or some youtube videos. I try to study, but that's a thing for weekends, because I'm very exhausted by the time i reach home. In a nanosecond it's 8:30. I lie down on my bed, and idk when I fall asleep. Then I wake up at 10-ish to have dinner. Eat it, and doze of while watching some youtube video.

Also, I play guitar, read books randomly at home. It's everyday, but no fixed time.

That's it. A day in my life, while I'm in Portland.

Grateful. Life's good.



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