Best day at work !

 Just came home from team dinner. Maxime dropped me from Saltwater Grille. Also, today was an insanely productive day. FYI whole business team is in Portland. Ryan, Grace, David, Swapnil, Maxime, Camille, Chaitra, Mike, Stephen, and me.

Today I wrote a python script which solved a data manipulation issue which we were stuck since last 2 months. Major roadblock destroyed. Also, joined a meeting at Rockport (HO3) with 10 people who were double my age... Funny part was the introduction. Everyone started introducing themselves.. 

"I'm XYZ, AVP of Behavioral Health"

"I'm ABC, Director BH"

"I'm Bla bla, Product Owner"

"QWERTY, Legal Advisor of solutions segment"

and there was me. "Satyam, Intern in BH Business team".

I mean if I were in IT team, I'm sure it weren't a big deal. But, working with Sloan, Tuck, ex-Mckinsey, ex-BCG guys is a dream. And when Ryan acknowledged about the engagement KPI I've been working with him and then Maxime jumped in to say that Satyam will refine it more and then Camille started giving me advice what to come up with.... it was sooooooooooo good. I felt a sense of responsibility to come up with a good solution.... maaaaaannnnn!!

And then at 6 Camille gave me a ride to Saltwater Grille where team dinner took place. She told me that she did her MBA from Norway and worked for Boeing, and then joined Unum. I DIDN'T KNEW UNUM WAS SUCH A BIG THING...  I ACKNOWLEDGE I GOT LUCKY... Anyway, so I tried oyster for the first time (David too). Then we had food. Talked a lot for 2 hours. Then Maxime dropped me home... Awesome day.

It's almost 9:30 PM and will meet the same people at 8:30 AM tomorrow. But now with a sense of ownership, more responsibility, connection, and a sense of meaningful contribution to a product that we're building.

(Professionally, I'm learning a lot. A lot. A lot. Very few people get to intern directly under executives. I'm not talking about team leads and managers... I'm talking about VPs, AVPs, SVPs.. But emotinally I'm a mess, will write someday later... maybe not...)

Life's good. Grateful.



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