Passed my masters!

 Finally, passed the masters!!!! You might be thinking it's not a big deal, right? Keep reading.

So, I took a final course called Machine Learning in Finance; where we had to perform stock market analysis and design trading algorithm and strategies. Which was pretty much done by me with ease. But the final exam, my god!

It was full of rigorous statistics, various tests (GARCH, ARCH, MACD, RSI, AD Test, KS Test etc), plus some core machine learning concepts. The catch was, the exam was online; and everyone used google to excel the exam. The class highest was 100, mean was 93. BUT, yours truly didn't cheat.

I honestly wanted to test myself in this exam. We were technically supposed to attempt it without google, and since the course was worth 7000 dollars, I had already decided not to cheat. I mean I can get a 100 had took help from the internet; but what's the use of those 100, right? So, I gave the paper with utmost honesty (usool ka pakka insaan); and I ended up getting close to 50. When the passing marks in a masters degree are 70 or above.

So, I had balls in my throat because it was a matter of my degree. I believe the prof understood that I didn't cheat at all, and she gave me a B!!! When I was expecting an F. The most she could do to pass me was a C; but she still blessed me with B; which is more than enough for me because this B is a million times better than the A grade with cheating.

I am really proud of myself that I kept my integrity in the toughest situations; which I have read in many books that it is one quality that has the potential to unlock many great doors in the years coming ahead. This is something that I have personally observed from my father. Despite being the only son of a rich dad, he kept his integrity and became self sufficient. This is one of the many things I've inherited from that man. Enough of this personal BS.

Today, I'm gonna solve some more leetcode algorithms and sql problems. Then I will design a data warehouse from ground zero. And then I will sleep like a champion. I am done with my masters with concentration in machine learning (dude I took Data Mining, ML in Engineering, ML in Finance, and Deep Learning and Neural Networks) which was one hell of a ride. 

Life's good. Grateful.

Yours truly,



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