Six Flags, Springfield (MA)

This Sunday, we went to Six Flags of New England. And maaaan, it was full of adrenaline rush. It had all kinds of roller coasters, spinners, drops, and whatnot! And then a pool to compensate for the scorching heat of July in Massachusetts. I think I went out with a bunch of folks after a really long time.

This time, it was with Him, Abhijeet, Soma, Khusbhoo, and a couple others. I genuinely felt adrenaline pumping out and experienced how time stops when your body tackles fear face to face. When you're at a height of 40 floors, just hanging with a cable which rotates you like a toy in the sky - you just can't stay normal. You feel that you're flying - but you know you are just hanging with a cable - and if in case it loses the grip - you are dead. There's a lot of risk to it, but it is what that gives you a rush of trying it!

Time stops; and you can experience every millisecond of breeze touching your cheeks; with no wordly sounds at that height; just the sound of wind gushing your ears with tremendous force. And then you look down. In the first 2-3 seconds - your heart stops because of hanging (and rotating with a cable) at such a height! (It is the tallest thriller ride in all of the USA). But then you console yourself to either enjoy the adrenaline and fear to its best; or succumb to it. You choose the first one. Then the magic begins. You realize during the rest 40 seconds of free fall that the world is too small - and there's a lot of beauty in simple things like the setting sun, the trees visible from the sky, the tiny buildings, cars looking like ants, and a weird satisfaction that you again faced the fear of heights! 

This is the thing I'm talking about!! (source: my iphone)

The second favorite thing that I probably did was the final roller coaster called Cyclone. Amaaaazing and the most exciting 2 minutes of my life. The roller coaster just goes upto an height of maybe 10-12 floors in the very beginning and rushes down a slope of literally 85 degrees. Not even 5 seconds into the ride and you already are experiencing gravitational force reducing your weight; and naturally you can't see anything because its too fast. It's just the track infront of you, and constant loops, spins, and fear because the roller coaster really makes you feel like you'll be thrown out in the middle because it turns at such a speed!! But during the journey - I now recon that I wasn't thinking of anything else. Maybe it was a meditative state because your bodily reflexes were experiencing that ride for the first time and didn't allow you to focus on anything else. It was full of thrills, adrenaline, and a satisfaction after you complete it.

When I came home at 12-1 in the night - I made up my mind to do things which get the best out of you. Maaaaan, it surely is VERY frightening in a true sense. But when you are in the middle of doing things that scare you - it is incomprehensible. I just can't write it in words. I'll definitely try to explore these things even more - skydiving topping the list at the moment.

Now I relate to the lyrics very clearly - "everything that kills me makes me feel alive". It is when you step out of your comfort zone and risk everything - you actually realize the value of your life and it makes you grateful of it. I'm not only talking about hanging in the sky, or diving underwater. I mean it in everyday life. You want to make it big in life - follow your instincts. Many people don't simply do it because they don't want to face the adrenaline rush; just like people backing out of dangerous roller coasters, just like people giving into mediocre dreams, just like people settling with mediocre partners. Don't be them! 

I mean, I can't simply stand the thought of it. It's already a short lifespan. You never know when you're going to die. Just do things that scare you. Work like maniacs for your dream, leave that mediocre relationship you're in, follow your passions; higher the risk, better is the reward.. I keep saying this to my closest friends - to explore the world and see how beautiful it is. Jump out of the well called Indore or Bangalore. Don't just pursue a degree in US/UK to earn money. It'll come on its own if you're living life the right way. If you're meeting people, building amazing family away from home, knowing yourselves in a better way.. and so on.

While writing this, I recall that when I was into someone who didn't value me - I doubted myself a lot. It was like a mental blockade stopping me to explore the world. I used to think that maybe my focus on my work instead of a relationship is what I should change. But with time I understood if I would change the only thing that separates others from me, then I would simply be the guy next door. Which I don't want - I fear mediocrity. Gradually I came to realize the things I bring to the table. For me, it is intellect, humor and ambitions. For you, it might be kindness or integrity or or simplicity. And if you're adding value to the lives of people with you; you don't need to worry about it. Most people out there see the world through a myopic perspective, which is fine for them - and it should not fiddle with your world vision.

For them, it is simply limited to earn money, marry someone, and ummm die maybe? It should not be like that. I am reading this book by David Goggins - in which he focuses on the importance of realizing the power of self. Not to depend on dad's money or a backup to fall for. Build a life on your own, only then you're going to know the value of it. It's not going to be easy - otherwise everyone would be doing it.

See, how i deviated from six flags to these topics. This is why I'm stopping here. But the crux was to face fears - and reject mediocrity in all ways - to cherish life :)

This week's going to be crazy - with a really good news coming by the end of week <3.

Eternally grateful!

Your's truly



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