Sudden Rains !

Yesterday was a crazy day at work. Honestly, I am not able to comprehend how the time at office passes by. It's a lot of things to learn. And it is worth it when Ryan tells that he likes the dashboards and insights. Also, when I was coming home from the office, it started to rain all of a sudden.

Thing to be noted is that I am used to sudden rains, because uhhh you know, Boston. But, it never rained like cats and dogs, or I shall rephrase it as - I never saw it rain like cats and dogs in the states. But yesterday it did. Maybe due to vicinity with the ocean. And it reminded me of the rainy mornings in Medicaps.

How we all used to go to the 'first year' block for our R programming lectures. The whole environment used to be grey-ish. No sunlight. And then everyone used to sit together and just talk throughout the lecture. Well, primarily because who the hell wants to study on rainy days even if we sit inside?! And after that lecture, a couple of more in the CS block. And then Lunch. The 12:20 to 1:15 time. OMG!! <3

I distinctly remember I used to wear my quintessential half jackets no matter the weather, and in lunch I mostly ate with P, or chilled with Bhonsle, Modak, HRX, Tiwari, and Gangrade. Good old days. Rain reminds me of that time in my life. Used to be short with money, but even my friends were facing the same... so we used to figure out ways to spend time in such a way that you can literally experience heaven with merely 30-40 rupees.

And today, by god's grace I don't have to think twice (in most cases) before shelling out bucks, but I generally don't spend. Apparently because when you're living alone, you look at minimalism, and also you don't need to do 'time-pass' everyday.. Why am I lying lol? Thinking of going for skydiving with Boston friends on next Saturday.. Well, it was on my bucket list even before I landed in the states. I've written about it in the blog maybe an year (or more) ago.

But yeah, the point is that even the subtle things such as color of sky, rains, certain smells, incite good memories in my brain, mostly related to my undergrad life. Friends, college times, nightstays, hackathons, places I've been to, P, going to hanuman mandir with Ajay, super corridor talks with Ajay... 

gosh.. Ajay and I used to just go to temples or super corridor bridge and sit for hours.. just talking about things... our future, present, good deeds and bad deeds... gazing sunsets and returning back home. He is a very good friend of mine. One of the very few people with whom I feel good with.. We used to go together for 5AM runs till rokadiya hanuman, then to college, then after college we used to study for placements or simply chill at mine or his home.. and next day repeat. I went to Cafe Kono, Farzi Cafe, almost every shop at 56, Chatribaag, Ranjeet, ofcourse Rokadiya, Khajuri bazaar book hauls... with him.. I know he doesn't reads my blogs, but I am telling you he's a good human being.. And I am proud of having a friend like him, modak, bhonsle, gangu, hrx, and chiru.. I am blessed to have good friends.

Enough!! Rain always spikes nostalgia in my brain. Stopping here. It's 6:03 AM here and I gotta get ready for another day at office.

Life's good.



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