Done with 25% of Masters with a 4.0 GPA !

This time, my thoughts aren't coherent. They're popping out randomly. So, yeah. So, it's been a smooth journey as of now. Just 1 exam left for MongoDB and Spark and then I'll hop into the Christmas break!! (Edit: Yours truly scored straight As in all courses and got 4.0/4.0 GPA) In a blink of an eye; I'm done with a quarter of my degree. As if it was yesterday that I landed at Boston Logan Airport and was lost in the lanes of Boston to find my university. I am taking pretty rigorous coursework for spring 2021 - both subjects related to core Machine Learning. I mean that's something I love to do and I genuinely want to code stuff without sklearn/keras/tensorflow. Can't wait for the beginning. Moreover, I've heard that the professors are super-cool for both courses. Then; I'll be done with 50% of my MS; even before others step on US soil. *wink wink*! That was the plan, right! But hey, I'm about to begin my coop search. I've tailored my CV, hon...